Library’s History


Some residents of Scott Township are a tenacious bunch, fortunately! In the early ’60s many residents developed a vision of their community:  Scott needed a library. Almost 35 years later, they got one! (One wonders if that is some kind of record?)

The Beginning…

Documents dating back to 1964 indicate that on Tuesday, June 30, the Commissioners of Scott Township, in executive session with two commissioners absent, voted unanimously to allow the Board of Library Directors to proceed with plans for a Township Library.  The Corporate officers were:  President:  Albert J. Borelli, Vice President: Dr. Gerd Leston, Secretary: William Haddad and Treasurer: Ralph J. Oster Jr. The Corporate Headquarters were: Bower Hill Civic League Building, 1600 Bower Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15216.

A basic plan was drafted early on in the process.  Click on the following links to see the hand written plan.  (And no – it is not on a cocktail napkin!)

1965-ish Planning Pg 1        1965-ish Planning Pg 2       1965-ish Planning Pg 3

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1965 Incorporation

Click here to see an Introductory Facts Sheet from 1965 time frame.

Below is a photograph which ran  in The Pittsburgh Press on January 23, 1965.  Common Pleas Judge John G. Brosky is presenting a charter to incorporators of the Scott Township Library, Inc., which planed to solicit contributions for a public library in the community. Gerd Leston, W. T. Haddad, Ralph J. Oster Jr., John L. Spiegel, and Saul Zisman were present.

Their Program Goals included 6 phases from ish_Review_Pgm_Goals_PG1.gif”>selection of an Advisory Board to Construction and Furnishing of Library.

An updated “Questions and Answers about the Scott Township Library” documented was generated:


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A Family Library Vision…






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The 1990’s energy picks up again…

In the later 1990’s people took up the cause again.  A survey was conducted between 12/9/97 thru 1/18/98 and the results were compiled:

By May 1998 people were starting “Dear Neighbor” campaigns to get more support.

Another Fact Sheet was created:


Then in August 1999 it was determined that the Library Referendum would be on the Ballot come Nov. 3, 1999.

To stay with in the law the legal notice of the ordinance was published in the local paper.

And the real push to get the vote out started.


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Finally:  Nov. 3, 1999 election day!

The unofficial result came in:


Opening Day

Scott Township Public Library finally opened its doors to patrons on March 26, 2001. This article was in the Signal Item on April 4, 2001.


It is Official!

Nothing is official until there is a party! That was on Saturday, May 5, 2001. It was a lovely day in Chartiers Valley for so many reason, but mostly because we finally got the library that so many had a vision of years before. The brochure of the day’s events:

History_5-5-01_Ceremony 1

History_5-5-01_Ceremony 2

History_5-5-01_Ceremony 3

There are so many people to thank for making this library a reality. Many are mentioned in the documents above however, many are not. One thing is for sure, it takes a community to make and keep a library. To the members of this dedicated community – THANK YOU!

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5th Anniversary:  March 26, 2006



5th Anniv Invitation 3-25-2005

10th Anniversary:  March 26, 2011


3-26-11 10th Anniversary Program.pdf

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