Loan Periods, Renewals & Extended Use Fees


Please have your library card for ALL transactions!

Note:  Each individual library in the ACLA (Allegheny County Library Association) System has its own rules on lending and extended use fees.  The information provided below applies to The Scott Township Public Library. This information is subject to change without notice.
Your Library Card is good at all libraries in Allegheny County.
The_Yellow_CardAll items may be returned 24 hours – 7 days a week via the “Drop Box”.  It is located by the lobby doors along the outside library wall.

Loan Periods & Extended Use Fees:

Item Loan Period Extended Use Fees
Books – Regular & Large Print
3 Weeks
$.25 a day
Books – Audio (Tapes, CDs, MP3, etc.)
3 Weeks
$.50 a day
Books – Bestsellers
1 Week
$.25 a day
e-Materials(eBooks, eAudio, eVideo)
3 Weeks
Games(CD-Rom, X-Box, PS2, etc.)
1 Week
$.50 a day
1 Week
$.25 a day
Music CDs
1 Week
$.50 a day
1 Week
$.50 a day
Videos (DVD, VHS, Blu-Ray, etc.)
1 Week
$.50 a day
Juvenile Videos (DVD, VHS, Blu-Ray, etc.)
3 Weeks
$.50 a day
Videos over 6 hours (DVD, VHS, Blu-Ray, etc.)
3 Weeks
$.50 a day
(Extended Use Fees As of Oct. 3, 2015)

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If there is a HOLD / REQUEST on the item (someone else wants it), or the item is already overdue  – YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RENEW YOUR ITEM!!
You will need your library card number for any of these renewal methods.

Go to “My Account” in The Catalog
Automated Phone Renewal 412.622.1895
Call Scott Township Public Library 412.429.5380
(Please use us as a last resort.)

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