We appreciate the generosity of our community. Donations support library programs and book collections for all ages. Contributions are tax deductible. Listed below are the many ways you can support the library.
Scott Township Public Library is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 25-0965281
Unrestricted Donations
Help us reach our yearly goal and consider a unrestricted donation!
These donations can be made by:
- Making an online donation
- Writing a check and note in the Memo Line: Unrestricted.
- Placing some money in the donation jar on the Circulation Desk.
- Buying a raffle ticket at the Circulation Desk.
- Name us as a beneficiary of your IRA – Learn more!
- Participating in fundraising events- See our event calendar for more information
- Donate a gift card. Gift cards from the following vendors are most helpful: Dollar Tree, JOANN, Michaels, Amazon, or Giant Eagle.
Gift Program
You can commemorate special events, or provide a memorial for a loved one through our gift program. To make a gift, complete this form and mail to Scott Township Public Library, 301 Lindsay Rd., Scott Township, PA 15106 or drop it off at the library.